Friday, September 18, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Earlier tonight the boys were playing and were being suspiciously quiet. So, I went to investigate. I found a fort constructed from every large toy they own and Legos. Addison looked up and said, "I learned a lesson tonight." Being unsure of the nature of this lesson, I replied with a generic and cautious, "That's good. What was it?" To which my miniature old man said, "If you dig into the Lego box deep enough you will find the piece you are looking for. That's kind of like life, huh?" "How so, Addison?" "If you dig deep enough in life you will find what you are looking for."

I don't even know what to say about that. He's eight, right?


  1. go ahead-rub it in. all the boys at my house are still stuck on potty humor. that's as deep as we go.

  2. Don't worry. His next sentence contained words of wisdom from Spider Man.
